Introducing the Pina Engineering Dairy Processing Plant, a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize the dairy processing industry and deliver high-quality dairy products to consumers worldwide. Our plant incorporates advanced equipment and systems to streamline the entire dairy processing process, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and exceptional taste.

  • Machine
  • BMC
  • Cream Separator
  • Homogenizer | Pasteuriser
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Packaging Machine | Filling Machine
  • Storage Silo
  • Processing Tank
  • Cooking Kettle
  • Retort | Spray Dryer
  • Applications
  • Fluid Milk Processing
  • Cheese Production
  • Ghee & Butter Production
  • Powdered Dairy Products
  • Ice Cream Production
  • Yogurt & Fermented Product
dairy process systems

Key Equipment and Systems:

Milk Reception and Storage:

Our dairy processing plant includes efficient milk reception systems equipped with state-of-the-art sensors to ensure accurate measurement and quality assessment of incoming milk. We also provide storage solutions that maintain optimal conditions for milk freshness and preservation.

Pasteurization and Homogenization:

We offer advanced pasteurization systems to ensure the safety and longevity of dairy products. Our homogenization equipment guarantees consistent texture and prevents cream separation, resulting in smooth and uniform dairy products.

Separator and Clarification:

Pina Engineering provides reliable separators and clarification equipment to remove impurities and separate cream from milk. These machines ensure high-quality dairy products with the desired fat content.

Yogurt and Fermented Products:

We provide specialized equipment for the production of yogurt and other fermented dairy products. Our systems maintain precise temperature and incubation conditions, ensuring optimal fermentation and achieving desired taste and texture.

Butter and Ghee Production:

Pina Engineering offers advanced equipment for butter and ghee production. Our churners, cream separators, and clarification systems ensure efficient separation of butterfat from cream and the production of high-quality butter and ghee.

Powdered Dairy Products:

Pina Engineering provides advanced equipment for the production of powdered dairy products such as milk powder and whey powder. Our spray dryers and powder handling systems ensure efficient drying and packaging of powdered dairy products while preserving their nutritional properties.